About Us

The Pili Nut
I, "the pili nut", sell Manila Elemi, pili nuts, and pili oils - everything pili! 

I fell in love with pili in 2015 and decided I wanted to help spread the word about the glories of this Filipino treasure, while becoming a sustainable, environment-conscious social enterprise with goals of empowering and strengthening the "pili community" of Bicol. 

My values? Integrity. Transparency. Sustainability. Excellent products, services, relationships. Humility. We are not perfect but we continuously strive to best ourselves and improve.

Bottom line: 
Love for nature, love of people, love of country, love of God. 

Chopped pili drupes

Then, take time to enjoy  pristine beaches in nearby barangays.

Took this in Bacon, Sorsogon, where you can 'island hop' on foot (May 2016)

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