Manila Elemi

Fresh Manila Elemi Resin from Canarium Ovatum (Pili) 

Manila Elemi is the name given to resinous tree sap from a variety of canarium species*. Elemi is an oleoresin commonly steam distilled for its fragrant essential oil. This oil is commonly used in cosmetics (anti-aging), aromatherapy and luxury perfumery, while the processed resin is used in cosmetics, varnishes/lacquers, printing inks.

Sustainable Elemi
Our elemi resin comes only from canarium ovatum or pili trees in Bicol. The sticky white resin is sustainably harvested from precious fruit-bearing pili trees, not resulting in overtapping or tree deaths that is common with some species.

*other species tapped for elemi include but are not limited to canarium luzonicum (piling liitan), canarium commune, canarium indicum

To order Manila Elemi resin or Manila Elemi essential oil, please email or SMS +639556155738 (Globe/TM),  +639226246655 (Sun).

Manila Elemi Resin

  • Raw, unprocessed resin
  • Processed resin (nonvolatiles, canarium ovatum nonvolatiles, canarium luzonicum nonvolatiles)

Manila Elemi Essential Oil Sizes:
  • 15ml
  • 30ml 
  • 100ml
  • 1L (800g net weight or custom, in amber glass or aluminum bottles)

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