Friday, July 8, 2016


"(Lack of sleep) may be the single greatest contributor to chronic illness in general. That’s right, sleep, and not diet. Not activity level. Not stress. Sleep."
Read more:

One key learning: sleeping in on weekends is not going to make up for sleep debt during the rest of the week. You will pay for those late nights. (so consider carefully if catching up on episodes of The Walking Dead is really worth the high price you will pay.)

Respect your body. Respect nature. Trust God.

Getting adequate sleep is both a discipline and a trust exercise for me.

Discipline - because sometimes, I sacrifice sleep for unimportant things (TV, surfing, social media), and sleep late out of sheer aimlessness

Trust - because when I can't accomplish everything I think I need to accomplish, I need to know when to stop and simply trust that my best efforts are enough - and that it's okay to sleep. Lack of faith means I won't sleep well even if I try to sleep early. Peace of mind is a prerequisite to sound sleep, and sleep is a gift of God.
"In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." Psalm 4:8
Grateful today for sound sleep and the security that faith in a sovereign God affords.

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